
IPhone6S equipped with 2 gb of RAM,Do you Know?

News center on September 15 reported that Apple last week 

released a new iPhone and the iPhone 6s Plus 6s,And 

announced the two new features of the equipment and 

configuration.However, the company has not announced their 

memory,also haven't the technical configuration page provides

information about RAM.However, apple Xcode development tools 

may reveal the answer for us.In fact,in the past one

year,There are a lot of news reported that Apple iPhone and 

iPhone 6 s Plus 6 s memory will improve equipment,Increased 

to 2 gb.But Apple haven't respond for that news. 

From the Xcode pictures for confirmation,Apple, this time 

really in iPhone6 s and the iPhone 6 s Plus configuration is 

2 gb of memory.Memory increase will make the iPhone users 

are more multitasking operating smoothly for application,And 

some higher requirements of image of the game can run more 

smoothly on the phone. 

